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The City of Tea Tree Gully consists of the suburbs and localities of Banksia Park, Dernancourt, Fairview Park, Gilles Plains, Golden Grove, Gould Creek, Greenwith, Gulfview Heights, Highbury, Highercombe, Holden Hill, Hope Valley, Houghton, Modbury, Modbury Heights, Modbury North, Para Hills, Redwood Park, Ridgehaven, Salisbury East, Salisbury Heights, St Agnes, Surrey Downs, Tea Tree Gully, Upper Hermitage, Valley View, Vista, Wynn Vale, Yatala Vale. The Mt. Lofty Ranges and foothills, Dry Creek, Little Para Creek, Cobbler Creek, the River Torrens, River Torrens Linear Park, the O'Bahn guided busway, are significant regional landmarks.
If you require any additional information explore the City of Tea Tree Gully Website at www.teatreegully.sa.gov.au or the Tea Tree Gully Library website at www.ttglibrary.sa.gov.au
Tea Tree Gully locality list is the online business directory for Tea Tree Gully business, it includes a Tea Tree Gully locality listing. Tea Tree Gully businesses are searchable by product, category and locality. Business listing in the Tea Tree Gully business directory is free for businesses local to Tea Tree Gully South Australia.
Be sure to explore the opportunities this business directory delivers and benefit from the ease of access to Tea Tree Gully businesses in order to accommodate your everyday and not so everyday activities. You can search for Tea Tree Gully businesses using keywords or the Tea Tree Gully business name and below you can choose form the alphabetical list or view entire list of local Tea Tree Gully business.
Entry into the business directories is free for businesses based in Tea Tree Gully region, South Australia.
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The City of Tea Tree Gully is 14 kilometres North East of the Adelaide CBD. It has changed from a mainly rural region with a population of 500 in 1960 to over 100,000 residents now. Despite being heavily residential, the wide network of creeks and parks and majestic trees gives the area a unique look and feel. A major retail centre in Modbury, community services, light industry and extractive industry in the foothills of the Mount Lofty Ranges provide much local employment. A wide range of culture and recreation is available in the Area. Tea Tree Gully is a great area to live and work in.